The Blazing SEO Blog Package


what's included:

⟡ 4 total blog posts (500+ words each)

⟡ A 40-min zoom call where we discuss topics and content strategy

⟡ SEO keyword research and implementation + Google Analytics and Search Console setup if needed

⟡ Drafting & publishing for you within your blog hosting site (ie, Wordpress, Squarespace & more)

⟡ 5 Pinterest posts for each blog + scheduling/publishing on Pinterest for you

⟡ 3 rounds of revisions for each blog post

let's talk blazing seo

 The Mini Blaze Blog Package


what's included:

⟡ 2 total blog posts (500+ words each)

⟡ A 40-min zoom call where we discuss topics and content strategy

⟡ SEO keyword research and implementation + Google Analytics and Search Console setup if needed

⟡ Drafting & publishing for you within your blog hosting site (ie, Wordpress, Squarespace & more)

⟡ 5 Pinterest posts for each blog + scheduling/publishing on Pinterest for you

⟡ 3 rounds of revisions for each blog post

let's talk mini blaze

The Pinterest-Only Package


what's included:

⟡ Creation of 30-40 pins optimized from already published content (from your blog, social media or online galleries)

⟡ 30-minute Zoom call to discuss Pinterest goals and strategy 

⟡ Pinterest-focused keyword research

⟡ Curating and pulling photos for each pin & scheduling/publishing within your Pinterest account

⟡ 3 rounds of revisions

let's talk pinterest

ready to work together?

let's connect

To get the creative juices and ideas flowing, I send over my blog copywriting questionnaire where you can fill in any ideas or content you have in mind. If you’re stumped, no worries! We’ll also be brainstorming content in the next step (The Braindump Call)

The Blog Content Questionnaire

One person’s brain dump is another’s treasure. After you’ve filled out the questionnaire, we’ll hop on a 40-minute call to chat all things content, ideas, blogging hopes/strategies/dreams. I’m here to find the golden nuggets for every post.

The Brain Dump Brainstorm Call

This is the part where I do TONS of SEO keyword research. I pour over my notes, and if applicable, cull and curate the perfect images from your galleries or archives to weave together a blog post that your clients, you AND Google will love.

the writing

You’ll receive your first draft of copy 7 days after our braindump strategy call. I deliver the blog copy in a shared Google doc and make sure we’ve gathered all the details (resources, vendors, affiliates, linking, etc). It’s meant to be super collaborative, where you can edit, insert comments and aaaalll the feedback. 

the draft delivery

Your thoughts and feedback are one of the most important parts of the copywriting process. Without it, a copywriter can’t know what resonates and what doesn’t, meaning we can’t crawl into your head and write fiery copy without it.

The Feedback (is the most important part)

Once you’re in love with every morsel of the copy for your blog posts, I’ll start drafting your blog posts up in whatever blog hosting platform you have (Wordpress, Squarespace, etc). Once the headings, images, links and copy is placed, I’ll send it over to you one last time for a final, in-layout review.

the in-layout review

Or scheduled! Whatever strategy we’ve chosen will work best for you (paced out over weeks or published all at once). Essentially, you’ve just been the Editor-in-Chief, and now get to enjoy all the benefits of fiery new content for your blog.

The Fiery Content is Published

After the blog posts are scheduled or published, I’ll create 5 Pinterest pins for each blog post. This includes creating the visuals, carousels or mp4 videos and writing all the captions and doing aaallll the Pinterest keyword research. 

The Pinterest Content

Blog Copywriting FAQs

While blogging is popular with wedding pros (for good reason, see their results here), blogging benefits almost anyone with a website. However, every client I have has different goals that will require different strategies. Not sure to invest in blogs or building your email list/ email marketing strategy? Or still love the customers/clients you’ve gotten through social media? Let’s chat! 

No! While SEO strategies are CONSTANTLY changing thanks to all the Google updates, my clients are still getting great results and leads through their blogs. 

And the truth is, blogging isn’t just about SEO (hear me out!). My clients have actually had prospective customers come to their website through Instagram and because of ONE blog we wrote together, chose to book them. So blogging isn’t just about appeasing the algorithm gods. It’s about showing your passion, your craft and making connections. 

And then there’s the whole Pinterest relevancy which is a whole other ramble which I’ll be blogging about (lol) soon. 

A copywriter can technically hop into a project at any time – and I have experience working on website copy before and after website design. That said, most designers prefer having copy written before they start the branding or website design process. This is because your copy – the messaging you’re trying to convey – is the foundation for everything else. Therefore, if you can, hiring a copywriter a month before your web/branding designer begins is ideal. Earlier is always better.

However, 60% of my clients come to me because their designer is asking for copy and they’re stuck, stressed or overwhelmed by the thought of writing it all on their own. And while some copywriters refuse to work after design, my extensive copywriting background has made me super nimble. Don’t hesitate to reach out, and we can chat about where you are and how I can help.

There’s this whole debate on consistency being important with blogging, what the ideal number of blogs to post is, etc, etc. 

There isn’t any magic formula. It really depends on you. Every SEO expert will agree that just having ANY blog content that is meaningful to readers and is optimized is better than none. But, you do build authority by having more content on your website, so that’s why a lot of people like doing 4 blogs and being consistent. 

I promise to help you make the decisions that are right for you, and future you. Because blogging really is a long-term gain, where you simply just need to start.

Let’s hop on a call to chat about your copywriting needs! Before I work with anyone, I require a call so we can chat in real time and ask as many questions needed to gauge if we’ll be a good fit for each other. Before our call, I also send a little bit more info about me, my packages, prices and process. I’m a proud over-communicator because I never want people to feel like they’re stumbling around in the dark, especially when it’s such an important business investment like copywriting.

Plus, Community is one of the core values of Write by Firelight, and genuine connection is everything. So let’s chat! Even if I’m not the best fit for you, I’m happy to point you in the direction of someone who is.

EVERYONE has their own opinion about this. But through all the conversations I’ve had with SEO strategists and coaches AND my own personal experience with my blog and clients’ blogs is that Wordpress is a consistent high performer. I also like the ease of use of Wordpress for blogging (ie. SEO plugins like Yoast, the integration with Showit, etc). 

I’ve worked with Squarespace blogs before and haven’t been as impressed. However, as I’ve mentioned in another FAQ, any blog is better than no blog (with some extreme exceptions like spammy content, etc, of course).